Have you ever wondered how your major might help you after you graduate? See this new academic major report for the state of Illinois!

This tool contains useful data on how graduates from different majors are doing in
the labor market: How much money are they earning? What industries are they working
in? How much debt do they graduate with? What occupations are they likely to hold?
Whether declaring an initial major, or switching majors, use this tool to better inform
you of your choices!
Undergraduate students who would like to request curriculum changes to their academic
record. Complete to add, delete, or change a major, minor or concentration.
Important notes:
- All major changes and additions require advisors' signatures.
- Advisor signatures are not required to delete or add a minor.
- A major/minor change form will not be processed after a degree or credential has been
Each student may view his/her account information by selecting the Account Summary
item from the Student Records menu. This form displays information by term, by charge
type, payments, and the net balance of all transactions. Anticipated financial aid
is not displayed. The total Account Balance is displayed at the top and bottom of
the summary. For further information concerning your account, please contact the Bursar's
office located in the Cook Administration Building Room 212 or call (773) 995-2470.
Register, Add, Drop or Withdraw
- To register or add a class, enter the CRN (course reference number) in the 'Add Class'
Section. Click submit. Your request will be processed. You will see an error or you
will be registered in the class. (See registration errors for more information.)
- To drop or withdraw from a class, use the options under Action in your ' Current Schedule'.
- Read the instructions on this page carefully... and remember to click on 'Submit Classes'
when adding or dropping a class.
I forgot to drop my class, won't the instructor do that for me?
- Students are responsible for dropping or withdrawing their classes even if they do
not attend. When a student does not attend or stops attending without formally withdrawing,
the student will receive the grade assigned by the instructor and will be held liable
for all charges on the their account.
My class was canceled after I registered, what happened?
- The University reserves the right to limit the size of the classes and to cancel classes
for which there is insufficient enrollment. If the class for which you are registered
is canceled, you will automatically be dropped from the class. If you do not find
an alternative class, a tuition refund will be processed to your account according
to the refund policy. Financial Aid students may wish to consult with their financial
aid counselor concerning any award implications.
The full text of the General Information Document(Course Schedule Bulletin)
is available from the Course Scheduling's page Course Scheduling's page.
- Course schedule information is also available for query as part of the Registration
process. To access a list of courses for a particular subject select "Class Search"
and enter the Subject and any other qualifying information (desired meeting times/days).
Final grades are available from the Student Records menu within the Secure Area of
CSU X-Press. Final grades are posted to each student's record three (3) days following
the end of the term. Midterm grades are available three (3) business days after the
Registrar's submission deadline. (See the Term Calendar or the Course Schedule Bulletin for specific dates.)
How do I log in?

CSU X-Press is the portal where you can register for classes, view personal information,
financial aid status, registration holds, grades, tuition charges and more!
To login, use your CSU ID (a.k.a. your "900#") and your PIN. Your PIN is a 6-digit code (letters and/or numbers) and should be changed after your first login. For first-time users, your personal access code is your DOB in DDMMYY format. For example, if you were born on March 4, 1999, your PIN number would be 040399.
We ask that you change your PIN after your first login to protect your personal information.
If you make five failed login attempts, your PIN will be deactivated. This is for
cybersecurity purposes to prevent unauthorized access of your account. Please contact
IT Technical Support if you need to reset your PIN. IT is available during regular business hours: Monday
- Friday, 9 am - 5 pm in the 1st floor of Gwendolyn Brooks Library. You can also reach
them at: 773-995-2038 or at: helpdesk@gt5cheats.com.
How do I pay for classes when I register through CSU X-Press via Cougar Connect?
- No registration transaction is complete until the Business Office has processed the
transaction and the student has been issued a printed receipt. If you web register,
please confirm your registration by receiving a paid receipt at the cashier's office.
- Students who have outstanding debts at Chicago State University will not be permitted
to register until such debts have been paid.
- Discover, MasterCard, Telecheck, VISA, cash, money orders, cashier's checks, certified
checks, personal checks and traveler's checks will be accepted for payment of tuition
and fee charges. In addition to accepting payment by personal check, ECAP provides
electronic check approval that takes funds from your checking account within 48 hours
of the time the check is written to CSU. Business checks will not be accepted.
- Students who have presented two NSF (not sufficient funds) checks to the University
even though restitution has been made will be required to pay for their registration
with cash, money orders, certified checks, traveler's checks, MasterCard or VISA or
- Specific payment due dates are printed in the Class Schedule Bulletin
Registration Advising PIN?
Required for using CSU X-Press to register online. New registration PINs are assigned
each term and expire at the end of the registration period. Your academic advisor
will give you a new registration PIN each term during your advising appointment.
- If you forget your PIN, return to your academic advisor, or see another academic advisor
in your major department or the department chair.
When using CSU X-Press to register for classes, you may see a red button marked "Stop" with registration errors listed. This indicates that registration for a given class
was not completed. Here are a few examples of these error messages and what they mean:
- Closed Section - This class has reached the maximum limit of enrolled students.
- Closed Section - X - This class is closed. The X indicates that the class is sharing a room with another class and the maximum limit
for the combined class has been reached.
- CRN does not exist - You have entered an incorrect CRN. Check the Course Schedule Bulletin or use the Class Search button to locate the correct CRN.
- Preq & Test Score Error - Many classes require pre-requisites. These pre-reqs must be met to enroll in a particular
class. These are usually successful completion of examinations in Math, Reading and
English or previous completion of other courses or departmental approval. Course pre-reqs
are listed as part of the course description in the Course Catalog. If you believe that you meet the prerequisite and you are not being allowed to enroll,
contact your academic advisor.
- Time conflict XXXXX - You have selected a class where the time it meets is at the same time as another
class you have already enrolled in.
- Dupl Crse with Sec - XXXXX - You have selected two or more classes with the same subject and course number. You
must drop or remove one of them to proceed.
- Repeat Count 0 - You have attempted to register for a course that is not repeatable, and already
exists on your record. This is a warning message. Student should contact their academic advisor to select another course.
- CORQ-XXXXXREQ - This class required a co-requisite class to be registered with the class you have
selected. Contact the department for the specific information.
- Maximum hours exceeded - You have attempted to register for more hours than you are qualified to take based
on your level (Graduate or Undergraduate) and your academic standing. The maximum
load for Graduate and Certification students is 12 hours and for Undergraduates, the
maximum is from 12 - 16 hours.
Is a hold preventing you from completing your registration?
We are excited about the start of another semester and look forward to working with
you to get enrolled! The first step to getting registered in classes is to reach out
to your Academic Advisor. However, if you notice in Cougar Connect that you have a registration hold on your
account, here are some next steps to getting your hold resolved:
- Contact your Academic Advisor for advising on course registration and to get your registration advising PIN.
- Go to Cougar Connect and log in using your CSU email username and password.
- On the “Home” tab, click "CSU X-Press Menu,” then click “Student Menu," and "Registration Agreement".
Review the Terms of Agreement.
- Go to “Term Selection” and pick the relevant term. Click "Submit."
- Click "Add/Drop Classes." From there, you will be prompted to enter a Registration Advising PIN (RAP) from your Advisor. Type in the six-digit registration advising PIN.
- Scroll down to type in a five-digit course reference number (CRN), one per box, per
course. After you type in each CRN, click Submit Changes.
- Review your selections and be sure to check for accuracy. If any CRN's from your search
do not appear, scroll down to view error messages and update your schedule (e.g. if
a course is closed or you have a schedule conflict). Depending on the error, you may need to get back in touch with your Advisor. If there are no errors, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Complete Your Registration”. Scroll through to view charges.
NOTE: If there are no charges, your registration was not successful. Go back to Add/Drop Classes and try again.
- You can visit our Bursar payment page on paying for classes here. We also accept payment by phone: (773) 995-2470.
NOTE: Do not give anyone your CSU email password. Errors in registration transactions made
using CSU X-Press are student's responsibility.
Unofficial transcripts may be viewed online from CSU X-Press via Cougar Connect by
selecting Academic Transcript item from the Student Records menu.
For official transcipts:
- Order through the National Student Clearinghouse. A credit card is required for payment and charges are as follows:
- Transcripts requested online are $10.00 per copy, plus a $2.50 processing fee per
- Transcripts may be requested for next-day pick-up, however, students must email registrar@gt5cheats.com with their order number. Students receive a reply when their transcripts are ready
for pick-up.